Project “reboot” : Why PHP and Symfony are still into the game for any new project

Project “reboot” : Why PHP and Symfony are still into the game for any new project

Con day 1 - Track FR

Sep 10, 2021 · 09:55 AM - 10:35 AM

Project “reboot” : Why PHP and Symfony are still into the game for any new project

Olivier Doucet - Why PHP and Symfony are still into the game

In 2020 we faced an important challenge: reboot a project from scratch and think again the architecture and technologies chosen two years ago.

This talk explains why we chose Symfony + API-Platform + Mercure in order to build a fast and scalable application, easy to improve and maintain. The objective was to recode 4 years of work in 6 months.

Context: for the last couple of years, two in-house developers were in charge of developing an API entirely in NodeJS + GraphQL. NodeJS seemed a good choice at that…

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