Factory for creating the JSON Schema document which specifies the data type corresponding to a PHP type.
interface ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\TypeFactoryInterface
public getType(Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type, string $format, null|bool $readableLink, null|array $serializerContext, null|ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\Schema $schema): array
interface ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\TypeFactoryInterface
public getType(Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type, string $format, null|bool $readableLink, null|array $serializerContext, null|ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\Schema $schema): array
Gets the JSON Schema document which specifies the data type corresponding to the given PHP type, and recursively adds needed new schema to the current schema if provided.
public getType(Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type, string $format, null|bool $readableLink, null|array $serializerContext, null|ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\Schema $schema): array
public getType(Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type, string $format, null|bool $readableLink, null|array $serializerContext, null|ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\Schema $schema): array
type | Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type | |
format | string | |
readableLink | bool | |
serializerContext | array | |
schema | ApiPlatform\JsonSchema\Schema |